Canna Piece Chat:
Canna  piece Chat is something which you can have at any time of the day.may be its good idea to satisfy your hunger between 4-6!!So lets get started guys.

  • One packet of canna  piece which is easily available in local market's stores.
  • 2 finely chopped cucumber.
  • 2 finely chopped tomatoes.
  • Green Chutney.
  • Sweet Tamarind and emli  chutney.
  • Medium or very small sized sev.
  • Coriander for Garnishing.

  • Fill the plate with canna  pieces.
  • Fill all canna  pieces with small portions of Cucumber,Tomatoes,Green chutney and Sweet Tamarind chutney.
  • Add Sev on that and garnish it with Coriander.
  • Very simple dish,your dish is ready to serve.


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